How does Santa recoup after the holidays? He meditates of course!! * * * Big shout out to Bill and Joan Rist of the Transcendental Meditation Organization and a hearty welcome to John Puffer, the new New England chapter coordinator. Did you know that Bill and Joan have been conducting regular TM training sessions here at Think Tank for years, bringing the gift of mindfulness to hundreds of Mainers each year… Think Tankers included. We want to congratulate them on their relocation to the Washington DC, TM chapter. We’re sorry to see them go, but our politicians and lobbyists need their help now more than ever! : ) As we know, meditation is an incredible tool for modern society and we are proud to support our members and the greater community in providing space to find better harmony in their lives. If you have questions about a mindfulness practice , let us know. We’re happy to connect you with other members who may have interest. We also have Serenity Now – A mindfulness space in the back room, whatever your practice. Happy 2019 folks! See you ’round the Tank.